Pollinators: impact of pesticides and fertilisers use on effectiveness of conservation measures such as flower strips

Agriculture, Biodiversity, mediation, Science Policy Interface, Uncategorized / Tuesday, October 11th, 2022

I wanted to post again the work done through the Eklipse Science Policy Interface mechanism on this very important subject regarding the impact of pesticides and fertilisers used in farmland on adjacent conservation measures. We used a really interesting approach of Joint Fact Finding to engage representatives from opposing perspective into a deliberation not on the topic but on reliable knowledge sources and facts.

A workshop was held in January 2020 with representatives from the industry, from research, from NGOs (unfortunately beekeepers were missing) to discuss what reliable information sources they could identify and discuss their credibbility and the facts they document. This gave way to constructive debate on facts and resulted in identifying both additional research needs and cross-cutting themes for policy formulation.

Here for more information: https://eklipse.eu/request-pollinis/


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