I launched my company FEAL after more than 15 years working at the interface between Science and Policy on biodiversity and ecosystem services. My goal is to continue working at the SPI to contribute to better informed decisions on environmental issues.
I am a professional facilitator and I am in particular promoting the use of more participative methodologies to engage with a wider scope of actors and let group dynamics bring creativity and innovative solutions and ideas to various issues and challenges. For example, I am providing support to scientists to design more effective events and communication activities/tools to better engage all relevant stakeholders and in particular policy makers and generate mutual understanding and collaborations.
My services can be categorized as follow:
Science – Science:
I design processes for research teams to brainstorm on their current and future activities and to develop strategies for fund raising and proposal development in a more innovative way using collective intelligence and the creativity of the group of partners. For example, I support the development of inter-disciplinary teams and projects by designing collaborative sessions to to co-construct research projects, stakeholder engagement and science policy interface activities.
Science – Policy
Many scientists see the interface between Science and Policy as the “end of pipe” activity where basically results would be presented in a workshop to some invited policy makers, or scientific publications would be sent around. However, to develop effective science policy interface activities, these need to be embedded in the research project from the beginning. I can provide support at the proposal development, during the research project and at the end of the project to ensure a more effective and interesting interaction between researchers and relevant policy makers
Science – Society- Policy
In many cases, the interface has to be developed to engage all relevant stakeholders and sometimes already in co-developing the research (transdisciplinary). In specific cases, some issues are generating conflicts among actors, I can provide support for analyzing the situation and proposing methodologies to engage actors into conflict management strategies.
I will use posts to share some comments or ideas on subjects I am interested in and on events I contribute to..Feel fee to contact me if you would like more information on my facilitation and mediation consulting services.