How is the EU supporting countries in fragile contexts?

Facilitation, General Information / Saturday, April 24th, 2021

As I moderated the recent Seminar on “EU State and Resilience Building Contract -Taking stock to look forward” I got to better understand the role of the EU Budget support aid modality to help countries in Fragile, Conflict, and Violence (FCV) situations.

A key evaluation of the EU aid modality SRBC was carried on by an evaluation team from ADE (Mary Van Overbeke, Evaluation ́s Team Leader; and Virginie Morillon, Evaluation’s Deputy Team Leader)

EU SRBC Evaluation website

The panels involved representatives from the governements of Afghanistan and Burkina Faso, along with other donors such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and civil society actors such as OXFAM and the ECDPM

When countries are in fragile context, it is critical to support the state in delivering on basic services and strengthening its governance and institutions. If you would like more information on the this EU aid modality:

EU Budget Support

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